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•   Dick Petrick  12/2
•   Robert Vallin  7/29
•   Richard Treiber  11/13
•   Robert Garrity  7/7
•   Sheila Taylor (Knopke)  6/19
•   Mary Lou Hunt  2/19
•   Charles Haas  1/25
•   John Lesko  1/11
•   Brian Steele  9/5
•   Robert Jacobs  7/9
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•   Lawrence Gedemer  2022
•   Mark Engelbreth  2022
•   Judith Zerzaneck (Tomachek)  2022
•   David Tully  2022
•   Maureen Brinkman (Eisenman)  2021
•   Susan Howe (Jaimes)  2021
•   John Haas  2017
•   Diane Biddle  2010
•   Gale Krusienski (Haakenson)  2016
•   William Mutchler  2021
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•   Diane Chuzles (Shilhavy)  10/28
•   Mary Jo Postorino (Kennedy)  10/29
•   Patricia De Hahn (Groothuis)  10/30
•   Kathleen Garbarek (Zaumeyer)  10/30
•   Jamine Rommel (Kralicek)  11/1
•   Kenneth Pelky  11/5
•   Sheila Taylor (Knopke)  11/6
•   Timothy McIlrath (Arand-McIlrath)  11/8
•   Peter Buckley  11/9
•   Charles Lechner  11/10
•   Tom Schrader  11/13
•   Jerome Rhody  11/21

St Catherine's High School
CLASS of 1962 - 100th Anniversary of SCHS


( Above graphic created by Cathy Beres McCombs - 50th ~SCHS1962 Reunion. )


                               07 September 2022

The 60th 1962SCHS reunion was a success from general comments of the participants. Unfortunately some of the registered classmates could not attend.

Missing were Bob & Cheryl Garrity, Bob Barina, Ann (Seitz) & Ron Deschner, Chuck & Lynda Lechner, Bill & Nancy Porasik, and Jane Vallin. We missed your laughter and smiles.,

Currently working on a short video also. Will provide link as soon as possible.

( All photos courtesy of Renee Dahl Karwowski and/or daughter - a big Thank You! )

                        Kathleen Smetana Dean   ~  Tammy Snortnum (Barb Bonini's wife)

Lft 2 RT:  Margaret Habada Johnson. John Johnson, Marlyn Zepnick Johnson, Micheal Weiss, Carol Bowman Weiss, Renee Dahl Karwowski, Rosalie Barranco Rauch, Marietta Garski, Dick Garski; Renee's daughter took this picture ~ Thanks!


            Jeanette Dugas, Chuch Dugas,  David Dudor


                        Casey May Niesen, Barb Bonini, Jeanne Niesen Charnon

     Margaret Habada Johnson, David Devine, Sharon Muth Devine, and Renee Dahl Karwowski.


                                             Chuck Haas, Jean Huenneckens Clementi, Kathy Smetana Dean


   John McNamee, Cathy Beres McCombs



Dennis McCombs, Rita Daniels Cepukenas (Pete's widow)


                                                Janet Gross Haas,  Karl Seitz




Dave & Donna Dudor


Lori Vance Martiny



1962SCHS Classmates - US Military Veterans

Steven Aschauerr  - US Army   -  Killed in training accident - 1968


Garry Anderson    
Steven Aschauer    
Mike Backus    
Alan Barry    
Jerome Berchem    
Michael Beres   
Michael J. Bernhardt    
Duane Bloch   
Duane Bola    
John Bosanec    
Thomas Cape    
John Darrey    
Norbert Dekeuster   
Arthur Dulan     
John Engel     
Robert Garrity    
John Haas    

Tim Hembrook 
James Hlad   
Bruce Hrouda    
David Hybicki     
Robert Jacobs    
Gordon Johnson     
Dr. Robert Kaupie    
Dr. William Kreul   
Thomas Kroupa   
Ronald Kusters    

Charles Lechner    
John Lesko     
Gerald Lictenheld    
Warren Lopour     
Earl Macal    
John McNamee     
William Mutchler    
Daniel P. Olson    
Peter Ortiz    
John Palermo    
Gary Parker   
Kenneth Pelky    
Jerome Rhody   
Richard Rohan    
Kathleen Smetana (Dean)     
John Szepesi    
Terrence Tollaksen    
Richard Treiber    
David Tully     
Dennis Tully     
Robert Vallin     
Timothy Verhaeghe   
Geoffrey von Germeten   
Bernard Wade    
Donald Zember   

James R. Puck



Thanks to all those that served and especially to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice with their life.


50  YEARS OF BLISS    -   1962SCHS Classmates celebrating 50 years

Mar 16, 1968  - 2018  Mark Engelbreth & Barbara Bacon

May 25, 1968 - 2018  David Dudor and Donna Mae Trzuskowski ('61) 

Apr 20, 1968 - 2018   Kathleen Killelea and Ryerson Gewalt (shown below w/family)

Aug 3, 1968 - 2018 George Smullen and Kathy Sidwell .

Oct 5, 1968 - 2018  Sharon Muth and Dave Devine

Nov 16, 1968 - 2018   Richard J. Treiber and Molly Black 

Nov 16, 1968 - 2018  John McNamee and Mary Clancy

         1968 - 2018  Wm. McIlrath and Lurrene



SCHS1962 had the private room overlooking the Racine Marina - beautiful day!

Decorations for the 55th! O&H danish layer cake for forty - we had enough for waitress and bartender.

Tony Totero, Jeanne Niesen Charnon, Dick Garski, Chuck Lechner, and Bob Barina.

Bob & Cheryl Garrity

John Kwas and Sandy Jaeck Kwas

Rich and Susan Rohan  - Yvonne Perelle Ewers

Pat Leonard Lueneburg and husband

Kathy Novak Barth and Susan Cronin Verheyen

Rita Cepukenas, Sam Krizan, Rosemary Krizan, and Lou Hunt.

John McNamee (USNR) and Chuck Lechner (USMC) discussing upcoming battle plans!

Lou Hunt, Ruth Ann Vanderhoef Chernouski, (back head) Maureen Brinkman Eisenman, Sandra Novak Thielen and (partial) Mary Clancy McNamee

Sorry we didn't take more pictures, but we were having such a good time talking and getting caught up on current indivudal stories - time got away from all of us. Kathy Smetana Dean had classmates signing birthday cards for John McNamee which was a great surprise and thankful for all the wonderful wishes on another 39 year old birthday!


Hope we can all do something again in the Fall for those that missed the July Reunion - keep in touch!




The above seven pictures are Kathleen Smetana Dean family and dogs.

Marlyn Zepnick Johnson and Family

Steve & Jean Clementi Family 

 Christmastime 2016 of all the Clementis:   Steve, Jean, son Steve Jr. and daughter-in-law Amy with grandsons Alex and Jack, son Carl and daughter-in-law Christine with grandson Anthony and grand daughter Caroline, daughters Anna and Therese - wishing everyone could make the reunion.

The first picture is from our 50th wedding anniversary cruise to Alaska in 2015. The second picture was taken on our front porch last Fall - 2016.

My message to all is:  “Hello to everyone. I’m sorry that I cannot be with you at the 2017 reunion, so there is an extra piece of my favorite Danish Layer cake for someone, enjoy! I wish you all the best in the future and safe travels”. Carol Bowman Weiss & Michael Weiss

John & Mary McNamee Family October, 2016

Three sons and four grandsons - Mary says "couldn't I get at least one daughter or granddaughter!"


                         Cathy  Beres Mc Combs & Dennis McCombs  ~ John & Mary (Clancy) McNamee

May 11, 2017  - Dinner at the STEAKOUT restaurant, Greendale, Wisconsin

Finally got the chance to honor this talented lady for all the wonderful graphics she's added over the many reunions of  SCHS1962. We all toasted to many more to come!!!

June, 2017  -  55 years


Karl and Susan Seitz - Nov, 2016

Karl  recently earned his 4th Degree Knights of Columbus award.

The ceremonial of the Order of the Knights of Columbus teaches a high and noble patriotism, instills a love of country, inculcates a reverence of civic duty and holds up the Constitution of our Country as the richest and most precious possession of a Knight of the Order.


November 2016 - SCHS'62 Breakfast at Dynasty Restaurant

From (left to right):  Barb Erbe Faulls, Marilyn Zepnick Johnson, Carol Zwiefielhofer Seeger, Mary Ann Roberts Beck, Catherine (Kitty) Thomas Szepesi, Marianne Metzger Boeck-Hamlin, Rosalie Barranco Rauch, Kathy Novak Barth, Connie Recupero Organ, Ellen Zatko LaBrasca, Marge Cramer Dugas.

June, 2017 - hoping everyone from the 196SCHS breakfast group can make it to the July5th reunion.

Linda Bentz Hempel was in Racine that weekend for her sister Mary Jane's funeral but didn't know about the breakfast reunion.

09/15/2016 - Elizabeth Vogl Gatewood and daughter Jennifer

Just noted that 1962SCHS women grow more beautiful with age as well as more intelligent.


Karl Seitz and wife Susan ( nee Thompson ) just celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary with trip to central Florida. Married May 8th, 1965.


Karl and his wife live in Fuquay Varina, North Carolina.

Many happy returns to Karl, Susan and his whole family with wishes for many more happy celebrations. Karl and Susan will be taking their family to Hawaii in July for their 50th wedding anniversary.


Sandy Jaeck Kwas and John Kwas celebrate their 50th -       October 18, 2014 - for more details see "50 Years of Wedded Bliss"

Celebrating New Year's Eve in Arizona

Lunch with St John friends:


                      Welcome to the St Catherine's High School

Class of 1962    web site

Our three day 50th Reunion ( Aug, 2012) was considered a complete success. Other than a high dose of hot and steamy weather for the first two days everything was perfect. The golf outing was enhanced by Dick and Nori Petrick renting the courtesy gold cart and delivering refreshments and fun to all participating golfers. Thanks Dick and Nori.

The afternoon tour of Wingspread started with classmates assembling in the parking lot and being so intent on reconnecting that we almost forgot why we there. The Wingspread staff had to come outside and herd us in or we might still be talking in the parking lot. The tour was fantastic. Frank Lloyd Wright was a genius and it was an impressive building. Tour of the gardens will have to be made by most of us in the future because of the high temps. (Did I mention it was hot?)

Next was the Pizza Party at Infusino's Sports Pub. After shooing away the regular patrons the place was taken over by "us"—the dynamic Class of 1962. A steady stream of classmates and spouses/friends filtered in. A Johnson Wax gift box containing about $200 worth of S C Johnson Products donated by Dave and Donna Dudor was the “prize” in a combined raffle and a 50/50 drawing. As people picked up their nametags, they also bought raffle tickets and a bottle neck of hugs and “how have you been” occurred. The Pub was the perfect size for our group--it kept us close and in contact with each other. Again the heat of the day had an effect on the air-conditioning and the size of our group (about 150) didn't help the situation. (Did I mention it was hot?). Finally the Pizza and salad were ready and the crowd realized it. A mass migration moved to the west side of the Pub and the feast started. The Pizza was excellent and as promised there was plenty of it. As the night wore on the crowd thinned slowly; everyone reconnected and ate well. There were about 20 people that attended the Friday night only and conversely another 20 attendees that made the Saturday night only.

Come Saturday the heat did not let up. 65 members arrived at the Golden Rondelle to tour the Johnson Wax Admin Bldg, Fortaleza Hall and watch two movies at the Golden Rondelle Theater. Thanks to John Lesko our group got the primo tour. Following the tour, a large group of classmates migrated over to Meadowbrook to set-up for the evening festivities. Cathy Beres McCombs and her crew set up a magical touch for the night. Around 5:00 as isthe first guests trickled in, they were greeted with 19 easel stand-ups of their old teachers and Administrators. Is there anyone more imaginative than Cathy? Where does she come up with these ideas? Everyone was blown away by these imaginative pictures and clever quotes of our former teachers. A big thanks to Cathy and her crew! Meadowbrook CC was decked out in Black and White table attire and classmates were seated together in groups sometimes analogous to their grade schools. Brian Steele opened the night with a clever welcome speech followed by introduction of the evening’s MC’s…Jane Haislmaier Slattery and John Lesko.

The two bantered back and forth about our days at SCHS. A very entertaining program! Meanwhile the crowd was checking some 47 items up for bid in the Silent Auction…which was to be our money maker for our Class Donation to SCHS Scholarship Fund. Many of our classmates are very gifted artists and their donations were well received by their peers. The Auction was broken down to three groups ending at different times during the night.

Our prayer service was led by Robert Kaupie and then tables were called to the buffet. Three entrees were available beef, fish and chicken and they were all delicious. Again the air-conditioning of the building was taxed due to the size of the crowd. (I did mention it was warm that day …didn’t I?), but no one seemed to care because they were all caught up in the moment.

Next up was our own Bob Garrity, who just happens to be the President of the SCHS Alumni Association. Bob gave us an overview of the differences of SCHS today compared to the SCHS of our era. Call it an “Advertisement” or call it a plea for help. The bottom line is tuition is now $9100/year and total student body is a bit over 300 students. Changes include the addition of a middle school on campus and the transition from text books to use of iPads exclusively. Bob received a good round of applause.

It was then back to our clever MC’s for more entertainment. The program ended with the raffle drawing of the Johnson Wax products (Brian Steele) and the 50/50 fund that by now climbed to $488 (Norm & Carol Seeger) for the winner. The night ended with music by Bob Vallin on the PA system. Not any dancing but lots of hugs and kisses as our classmates took many photos, chatted some more then slowly headed for home.

Sunday the weather broke and it was welcomed by all. Many of us met at St Richards Church at the 9:00 Mass. Fr Ron greeted our class and was a very personable fellow indeed. We were very surprised how many classmates showed up at Mass! It was a really good turnout.

Next it was over to the Alumni House to be greeted by Bob Garrity, Chuck Wood, Kringle and coffee. Chuck gave a tour of the old school and the “old gal” looked pretty good. Many of the old lockers are still in use…as well as the old Gym floor, installed in 1948, is still there …very, very pristine I might say. It obviously looked better than any of us! The Summit Restaurant was the last venue where 26 of our group ended up for brunch.

We are adding up the figures and paying our bills to see where we stand in connection to our class donation. After listening to Bob Garrity’s rousing talk on Saturday evening, a thought struck me to have a goal of funding one year’s tuition to our Alma Mater through the SCHS Class of ‘62 Scholarship Fund. Our Auction, Raffle and donations have produced about $8100. All we would need is $1000 to reach one year’s tuition. Bob Garrity mentioned that at a few of the 50 yr Reunions former classes have made donations based on "A dollar a year since graduation " which translates into $50/classmate. If we could get twenty of us to make that donation we would reach the tuition goal.

After reviewing our web site profiles most of our classmates claim Sr. Coronata (aka Sr. Patricia Mason) as the person providing the greatest influence on our high school experience. It was in 1958 that the St Edward’s eighth grade students decided to wrap up their teacher, their mentor, their principal and their greatest asset and bring this gift to share with the entire SCHS community at 1200 Park Avenue. We "all" obviously benefited from her presence.....because 50 years has passed and we still recall her as the one that really made a difference. Since she started with us as Freshmen...she is ours...we claim her. Therefore this one year free tuition could be provided by us, "The SCHS Class of 1962," what better honor can we provide than to name this the "Sr. Coronata and the SCHS Class of 62 Scholarship"!!!

In memory of this great educator could we get 20 of us to step forward? I’ll start the ball rolling. Today I will send my $50 check payable to SCHS Class of 1962 to Dick Garski 5345 Linden Circle, Racine, WI 53406. Are there 19 more of you that will support this idea and send in your checks within the next two weeks? At the end of the month Dick will turn over all monies to SCHS. Let’s not let this opportunity pass by to make a statement for us as well as our former mentor.


St John's Group: Front Kathy Winters, Sharon Muth, Maureen Brinkman, Ann Seitz

Middle: Sam Krizan, Rosalie Konicek, Kathy Smetana, Bonnie Jackson, Kay Patzman, Mary Jo Postorino, Karl Seitz, Jean Huennekens, Sandy Jaeck

Back: Chuck Dugas, Karen Erick, Art Dulan, Lynn Roberts, Mike Backus(blue shirt), John Darrey, Al Barry, Bob Jacobs

The Holy Name Group:  Kathy Killelea, Sue Jacobs, Gloria Albertini, Gil Neisen, Lou Hunt, Jo Ann Tennyk, Bob Garrity & Barb Bonini

Tour group on the J-Wax Tour Saturday August 4th

St Joe's Group:  Left to Right:  Diane Chuzzles, Chuck Lechner, Rene'e Dahl, Rosie Barranco, Dick Garski, Carol Bowman, Casey May, Tony6 Totero
































































Being a history buff most of my life, I wanted to mention some Racine area Facebook sites I have been active in for many years.

I have collected many thousand historic area photos over the years and enjoy sharing them with other Racine history enthusiasts.

Here are some of the sites I am active in that you may enjoy joining or just browsing. Some are required to join and some are open to all.

Enjoy -

Betty and I wish you all a great 2024.

Dennis Tully -

   Courtesy of Kathy Smullen, we have arranged for discounted rates at some of the local hotels/motels in and around Racine. PLEASE MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE - summer in Racine is very busy for hotels/motels. Each of the hotel/motels is listed at the best rate possible, so read carefully - all of the rates are cheaper than AAA and AARP rates as of today. Make sure you ask for the St Catherine's Class of 1962 rate if cited.

>>>West Racine area

    Racine Marriott
7111 Washington Avenue, Racine   (Nr. JI Case High School - Oakes Rd.)
10 rooms blocked with Guaranteed Rate. More rooms are available if needed.
Senior Rate with the St Catherine’s Class of 1962 rate is $110.00 plus tax
FYI: The Marriott is hosting soccer tournament teams this weekend so book early!
     Fairfield Inn
6421 Washington Avenue, Racine  (just east of Marriott and Comfort Inn by a half-mile)
10 rooms blocked with Guaranteed Rate $95 plus tax under the St Catherine’s Class of 1962 Block Rate. Hotel is just a block or two from the Friday nite Pizza Party and five minutes from Sat nite and Sunday morning events.   Block expires on July 3rd, 2012
     Comfort Inn
1154 Prairie Drive, Racine   (just the other side of Washington Ave from the Marriott)
Guaranteed St Catherine’s High School Class of 1962 Block Rate good until July 19th, 2012
10 Queen Doubles and 5 Kings at the rate of $68.00 plus tax 
 Radisson Harbourwalk
223 Gaslight Circle, downtown on Lake, Racine
*2 night minimum stay when booking Saturday night
Internet Rate as of 09/22/2011
Senior Breaks A Guest Room Sleep Number $116.10 plus tax
Senior Breaks C Marina View Guest Room $129.60 plus tax
>>> I-94 Area -
    Holiday Inn Express
13339 Hospitality Ct Sturtevant   I-94 Exit 333 (just East of I-94 off Hwy 20 Washington Ave.)
10 rooms blocked with Guaranteed Rate $115 plus tax for St Catherine’s Class of 1962     Expires July 1st, 2012
    Country Inn & Suites
7011 122nd Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53142  (fifteen minutes south of Racine) 
Senior Rate Guest Room $116.10
Senior Rate Guest Room Suite $126.10
Hwy 50 & I-94 Area, near the Cracker Barrel Restaurant & Brat Stop
Also, near the Fashion Mall for shopping


 As of Sept 28, 2011 we have committments from about 140 people (grads/spouses) to attend the 50-Year Reunion of the Class of 1962 St Catherine's High School.  This website does not show that number since not all alums have registered at this initial stage of the website development - make sure you check back often.

Currently we have listed 366 members of our combined starting class - Fall, 1958 and students transferring in. If anyone remembers any other classmates during the period of 1958-1962, please let us know so we can include them as well. Please remember that any group of people fluctuate in size and content - we had people transfer in and out during those four years.

  A "big thank you" to those who have served on the 2012 Reunion Committee for the Class of 1962 SCHS as listed below:

  Cathy Beres McCombs, Jean Huennekens Clementi, Sharon Muth Devine, Pete Cepukenas, Jeanne Niesen Charnon, Kathleen Smetana Dean, Margaret Habada Johnson, Kathy Novak Barth, Lori Vance Martiny, Ann Seitz Deschner, Sandy Jaeck Kwas, George & Kathy Smullen, Dick Garski, Tony Totero, John Lesko, Renee Dahl Karwowski, and as always, with the guidance and assistance of our class president, Brian Steele.

  In addition, we would like to thank John Lesko and Peter Cepukenas for their assistance in the Golfing Reunion event. Please let John or Pete know of your interest in the golfouting for Meadowbrook CC - more information can be found in the USER FORUM.


 To register for the 50-Year 1962SCHS Reunion - make sure you complete the information in the area under CLASSMATES PROFILES listed as 50 YEAR REUNION. In this section you can make your selections for the various events over the three day reunion period. 

THANKS to all that have updated their PROFILES - your personal information, stories, pictures, and videos/links gives all of our fellow classmates a basis to build quick conversations on when we meet at the 50th Reunion - August 3/4/5, 2012.

Pam and I have recently moved out of California to the State of Utah during the months of Oct/Nov of 2013. No we are not becoming Mormons,:), just changing our life style a bit and start another chapter in our lives. I also have a new email:

Best regards,