BUCKSON, SR., JEROME C (JERRY) Kenosha, Wisconsin Age 34. Passed away Saw 5 day. May 28, 1977, In Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, following a plane crash. Mr. Buckson was born on Feb ruary 24, 1943, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Buckson. He attended St. Rita's Grade School and St. Catherine's High School In Racine, and had been a resident of Kenosha since 1966. Mr. Buckson had owned and operated Buckson Screw Machine Products, Inc. since 1967. He was a mem- ber of St. Mary's Catholic Church In Kenosha and the National Screw Machine Products Association. Surviving are three daughters, Deborah, Dawn and Diana, all at home; his mother, Victoria Buckson of Ra cine; one sister, Sharon Buckson; two brothers, James of Racine and John of Wausau.
BUCKSON, JR., JEROME C. (JERRY) Kenosha, Wisconsin Age 14. Passed away Saturday, May 28, 1977, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, fol lowing a plane crash. Jerry was bom on June 26, 1962, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Buckson. He attended St. Mary's School In Kenosha and had Just completed his Freshman Year at Sf. Joseph's High School in Ke nosha. He was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church Surviving are his mother Mrs. Jamine Buckson; three sisters, Deborah, Dawn and Diana, all at home; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rommel of Racine; paternal grandmother, Mrs. Victoria Buckson of Racine; great-grandmother, Mrs. Lillian Mey of Racine. FUNERAL ARRANGE MENTS will be announced at a later date by the PRO- KO-SMYTH FUNERAL HOME, 1119 60th St., Keno sha.